Wednesday February 4, 2015

bridge 1

Well, that crazy Punxy Phil saw his shadow.  So that means 6 more weeks of winter.  Why is it that from Feb 2 to Mar 15 is 6 weeks???  Strange.  Anyway, this post is not about that crazy rodent!

We may be in the midst of winter, but summer is on its way.  That’s what keeps me going.  That, and getting my ‘spring’ cleaning done while I’m stuck inside the house.

I just felt inspired by this summer photo, taken when Kelly and Matt were dating back in the early 2000’s.  The quaint little covered bridge is the main way to the Hancher home, which for now houses Matt, Kelly, Matt’s Mom (Ma), Peyton, Logan and Chase.  They are hoping to build next summer – but in the meantime it’s cozy there to say the least!  But even though this photo is inspiring, the picture that Kelly sent me Saturday morning gives the current story: Covered bridge - Kelly's 1-15It’s a picture post card!  I almost expect a horse and sleigh to come through there. 

Summer or winter, the bridge is inspiring and inviting.  Happy winter, says Phil!!!  Happy winter!

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