September 5, 2024

There were several deals to do in Jeannette, but Joe is still busy cleaning out and I didn’t have to go up there. Sir Rege and I were comparing coughs and vacations. Diverse topics! I left there and went straight to Norwin Square for my medical test. The technician was very nice and the whole process took almost no time at all. I even had time to stop in Aldi (which was right next door!) and even grab a few ears of corn from a farmer’s truck in the parking lot. (Well, I DID pay for them…)

Not as good as Palmers or from the farm, but it was still a good lunch
Especially paired with the Cherry tomatoes Mr. G. brought over last night!

After lunch (corn!) I reattached several cylinders on the wind chime. They keep falling off! I took about 15 minutes and cleaned up the two flower beds lining the bottom driveway.

Fixed the wind chimes…

The doctor’s office called me with a change in medication for my cough, so I buzzed over to Walmart to pick it up. Hoping it helps; but either way I have an appointment in the morning. I need to regroup and see what’s going on. My pulmonary appointment isn’t until the end of September and that’s too long to drag this out.

New meds – we shall see!

The annual Flash Fiction Contest is in full swing, and as a reader for the stories I downloaded everything and made a list to keep track of scores. There are 53 stories. Seems like I’ll be busy…

53 stories to read.

My blessing for today was to get the first medical test done and behind me!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text

TOMORROW September 6th is:

Bring your Manners to Work Day; Fight Procrastination Day; Great Egg Toss Day; National Picture Day; National 401(k) Day; National Coffee Ice Cream Day; National Food Bank Day; National Lazy Mom’s Day; National Read a Book Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Lazy day. As you can see they put that off until tomorrow… My sister loves Coffee Ice Cream. I will FOR SURE read a book! God bless…

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