I like Fridays! Mostly I can laze around and take my time doing anything. After breakfast I did a load of laundry, did some emails, paid bills, send my friend a birthday card. At noon I went down to L&L – I was looking for something for my sister, as well as cute things I might NEED!!! I did find two things I really needed (ummm, right!). I saw lots of things that I COULD have needed but didn’t purchase.

I stuck on my yucky yard clothes and did some weed whacking before making a salad and garlic toast for lunch. There are a swarm of bees – maybe yellow jackets – in Dottie’s wooden wall that holds up her fence. They were flying around me but didn’t bother me – but there is a hole in her fence right beside the bees, so I txt her to check into it. She has 3 dogs that like to stick their head through that hole. She’ll need to address that. Thankfully I am only close to that area when I mow, and we should be basically done (or almost) with that this fall.

Not sure how to read these little predictors, but he was making fast work of wiggling across my yard. They really move fast for such little guys! We used to pick them up and they’d curl into a ball on our palm.

I did walk up to the homecoming parade. It was the 50th, and there were past homecoming queens from the 70’s up through the 2010’s. I didn’t know anyone! It’s a little over a mile, all up hill. The good part was coming home – all down hill! Saw this wildly decorated house at the top near Route 136. I walked up Mohawk, but when I got to the top I saw that the Alliance Church was offering free hot dogs and drinks. Since it was level I walked over to grab a water; I left mine at home. I saw Patty Buschek, her daughter Tracy & husband Garth Shaner. They had a phathead of their daughter Carly – who is a senior in the band – and held it up at all the band events. The kids love it!

(That’s the line for hot dogs behind me!)

I walked home through the church fields then cut through Zion Lutheran cemetery and came out at the ball field. It’s rougher walking through the grass but shorter and less traffic. So now I’m going to figure out food for supper (I didn’t grab a hot dog…) and do the ironing.

September 30 – Do you have any special Homecoming experiences to relate? “Plumville High School has what they call reunions. The school has been closed since 1946. I get the news letters but I never went to any. We all got together for a Davis School Reunion on September 9th, 2000. It was a very nice reunion & we all enjoyed seeing each other.”

Calendar inspiration is from Linus today.

Quote –

Scripture –

Random photo –

TOMORROW October 1st is:
- National Green City Day
- Fire Pup Day
- National Black Dog Day
- National Hair Day
- National Homemade Cookies Day
- National Pumpkin Spice Day
My Tazz-puppy was mostly black with a little white. Loved that dog! I have hair, which is good, and I just made a note to make cookies tomorrow! Wow! Have a great day and a wonderful October! God bless…

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