First thing this morning I stepped out on the deck, and there was this brave little leaf standing straight up between the floor boards. Don’t think I’ve ever seen that before!

Had several things to do in Jeannette, then stopped to help Mike P. Greensburg didn’t have anything until Thursday. I picked up a few cards, then went to Hanna’s Town. Spent about 45 minutes talking to Lisa and trying to organize the kitchen shelves. I’m sure I’ll have to do it again before the tea!

Our home-school group got stuck in traffic and were a little late, but we were able to do the complete program for them. I did tin punch, and even the adult parent/sponsors tried their hand at it. The weather was alternately sunny and rainy but it didn’t dampen the day’s spirit.

I left there a little before 4pm, and stopped at Lynch Field to walk the track. I was gong to do an extra loop, but just as I started the last one the thunder rumbled and we lost the sun. I decided to forgo that loop, and I was only about a mile down the road when the downpour hit! But it was a good day.

My early dinner was left over meatloaf and potatoes, and now I’m going to work on some projects. Jerome the Paint Guy called and as soon as we have a guaranteed 48 plus hours without rain they will do my deck!

September 27 – Tell about a memorable birthday cake. “I think my 16th birthday was an exciting one. Mom baked a cake & decorated with coconut shreds, which was very special back then.”

Calendar inspiration – Tackle huge projects by doing one thing at a time with patience and persistence.

Quote –

Scripture –

Random Photo –

TOMORROW September 28th is:
- World Dense Breast Day
- National Drink Beer Day
- National Good Neighbor Day
- National North Carolina Day
- National Strawberry Cream Pie Day
- National Women’s Health & Fitness Day
- National Sons Day
I have lots to do tomorrow – so I’ll celebrate the little things that make my day. As well as SON day! Have a wonderful Wednesday. God bless…
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