September 15, 2022

As usual for a Thursday I started out in Jeannette, then had a doctor’s appointment. Since changing providers in September, I had some updating of my files to do. Dr. Cole is so nice, and I always appreciate his insight and encouragement. I had to change some appointments and set up a few new ones, but finally got it all lined up.

Fall tree in the doctor’s office
The ornaments were so cute!

From there I went to the pharmacy to pick up a new prescription – but it wasn’t there yet. Turns out it was emailed to my previous pharmacy, and it took some phone calls and some twisting and turning to get everything cleared up. Once we got the records changed from the old pharmacy to the new one, I discovered that the new one (CVS) was trying to refill all the meds on my record! Again, it took some phone calls but got that squared away, too. I believe all is on track now, at least for the moment.

Image result for CVS pharmacy

Greensburg didn’t have any deals, so I headed home for a late lunch. I also made a big pot of cream of potato soup, and had a cup just now before starting this. Kathy stopped to pick something up and we chatted for a bit – but that is my very ordinary, non-descript day! We’ll see if I can beef it up for tomorrow!

half of the soup – the rest put away…

September 15 – What teacher did you dislike the most? Why? “Mayador McMillia was a very un-fair teacher. He was disliked by all the parents, as well as the students. I was in 5th or 6th grade when he taught a Davis School.”

Calendar inspiration – Enjoy everyday activities while anticipating your next adventure. – I guess that would be my day; I’m anticipating tomorrow’s Skunk Hollow bonfire at Beth’s with all the girls!

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Some of the Skunk Hollow Girls. 2015
Gwen – front
starting left: Beth, Colleen, Connie, Kathy, Karen O, Gail, Susan, Marge

TOMORROW September 16th is:

All parents that I know work – either outside or AT the home. Something to celebrate! Play-Doh? No — not for me! I’ll celebrate my sweet cousins! God bless…

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