September 13, 2022

For some reason I had another ‘couldn’t fall asleep’ night. Getting bloodwork is not stressful or worrisome so not sure what the problem was. I know the only way I could stay awake was to keep busy all day!

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I walked into the Quick Draw lab at 8:48am, and there wasn’t another person waiting. I think that’s the first time that ever happened. I didn’t have to wait at all. The technician was very good – I didn’t feel it at all. And I only have a small bruise on my arm – about the size of a dime. That’s amazing too!

Tiny bruise – that’s good!

Just found out that Sherree (Jen’s mom) had her surgery yesterday morning. Not sure of the details, but she’s home and resting. If you can, take a quick minute and pray for her comfort and healing. Wishing you the best, Sherree!

I went to Greensburg directly after my bloodwork, then down to Jeannette. They needed to pick up a car at Igloo (repair shop) so I followed Barry down and drove him back. They are still a little short staffed. Then I buzzed down to Irwin and picked up a stack of greeting cards and splurged on an afternoon snack!


I concentrated on outside work this afternoon. There’s always something to do in the yard and gardens. I cut the grass, weed-whacked, finally spread the Weed and Feed, then blew the walks and driveway clean. That was the whole afternoon. It was sunny and beautiful but much cooler than it has been. And that was my day! I’ll probably iron and write out some greeting cards later.

I only used one mower, but used the weed-whacker, blower, and spreader! The reindeer just hibernated…

September 13 – Name the schools that you went to. “8 years to Davis School. Plumville High School for 2 years.”

Calendar Inspiration – Be mindful of the good things and quiet times. Count your blessings!

Quote –

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Scripture – I love this verse!

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Random Photo –

Me with Thomas Jefferson – in Williamsburg VIRGINIA!

TOMORROW September 14th is:

Oooo. I could go to Virginia. I still qualify as a parent even though my kids are grown and on their own, so I could take the day off. But wait. I’m ALWAYS off on Wednesday! What a sobering thought. God bless!

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