September 10, 2022

Today was an adventure! Before breakfast I changed bed sheets, did laundry, and got a shower and dressed. Kathy picked me up at 10:30am and we headed to Vanderbilt to the church down there. They were having a Rummage sale fundraiser – everything $1.00! Sounded like a deal to us!

We drove for about 25 minutes before we realized that the GPS auto-corrected Vanderbilt to Vandergrift! We ended up an hour away from where we were going! We laughed and laughed, and kept finding funny things. The little WRONG township was OKLAHOMA, so we said we went to the church by way of Oklahoma so it took us longer than we planned! But we re-routed and arrived a noon, having enjoyed the farms and fields and mountain views on the drive.

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Beautiful views of the mountains
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Mountains with little town tucked at the bottom.

Kathy bought a few things, and I picked up 2 flat sheets to use as paint cloths since I ‘lost’ mine! And the bonus was three-fold: We got to visit with dear friends Lynn and Greg (minister and wife). We found some bargains. We met a tiny dog that loves shopping! That dog never made a peep!

Lynn and Kathy
Greg contemplating
Puppy shopper
Beautiful purple Motorcycle at the Rummage Sale.
I don’t think it was $1……
I was excited to see the inside of the church. I didn’t picture it this way from watching Greg’s messages.

I grabbed a ‘Snail’ (pastry) for a quick hunger-stopper and went down to Nate’s. I had a roaster to give them and I needed to pay Jen for a fundraiser ticket for the rescue. I stopped at Shop and Save on the way home and got Blue Bonnet margarine; one of the few places that has it these days.

See the source image

The weather was cool and comfortable, so I tackled the weeds in the side garden plot by the driveway. Got it totally done! I even had time to cut the grass. I noticed a limb stuck in the maple in the front yard. It was about `15 feet long so I had to saw it into pieces to get it ready for the trash. If I remember I’ll take the 3 larger pieces to the bonfire Friday night.

Side garden
Looks so much better
The sage has taken over the corner.

I caught a picture of last night’s almost-full moon just as it was morphing from orange to bright white. It was a beautiful moon.

Almost full moon last night.

September 10 – Tell about who you thought was the dumbest kid in school and why. “In grade school it was Henry Leczner. He never tried to learn (we thought). He had a rough home life. In high school we thought Eugene Condolpha couldn’t do anything right except play basketball.” By today’s standards that would probably be ok. Sports are the THING!!!

Calendar inspirations – Some people make us feel special – thank them!

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

PART of the Skunk Hollow Cousins – they do make me feel special (2015)

TOMORROW September 11th is:

I make my bed EVERY DAY. I don’t have a hound to hug, but I will remember my Tazz. And after visiting the Flight 93 Memorial this spring I have a far different emotional interpretation for Patriot’s Day. I know quite a number of grandparents – and in fact I am one! God bless… And take time to remember 9/11…

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