September 1, 2024

Three years ago today my sweet mom passed away. Still seems hard to believe – like in one way it’s been so long, and in another like it was yesterday. Miss you Mom!

My beautiful Mom

I actually went to a Sunday School class this morning! First time in well over 40 years. It was a good lesson and I enjoyed being ‘fed’ — but I did miss the boys!

Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better (updated with two new chapters)
Our study guide.

Todd and Heather were away this weekend, so Wayne had the message. It was about Living up to Potential. We need to work at growing up – it’s not automatic. We must be committed and train with discipline. Work on our relationships, perspective, convictions, skills and character.


As much as I tried to talk myself out of it, I did come home and cut the grass. It was pretty warm but I took several breaks and got it all done.

Grass cut.
Cut grass.

Then I changed the Snoopy calendar to September (and changed all the paper calendars). I still have to pay the first-of-the-month bills.

September is ready.

My blessing today was actually getting the grass cut!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 2nd is:

Calendar Adjustment Day; Labor Day; Last Fling of the Summer Day; National Blueberry Popsicle Day; National Pierce Your Ears Day; World Coconut Day; National Hummingbird Day; National V-J Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Antique Day. Tomorrow: Labor day, of course! God bless…

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