September 1, 2022

It was a pleasant day today – not too hot to be outside. And no rain. I started by working in Jeannette and finished up a project there. Then I stopped to see Mike P, and finally on to Greensburg store.

See the source image
I am NEVER this busy at work! Ever!

I also changed the Snoopy wall calendar. Good for another month!

From there I dropped off an apron that PLC (Kelly’s imprint company) made for Kathy’s church. We chatted for about 45 minutes then I came home and had lunch. The other day I broke the soap pump on my kitchen sink, and my neighbor popped over to see if it really was broke or I just didn’t know how to put it together. It appears broken. He says they have several so I’ll wait a few days to see if he brings it. It not, I’ll get a new one. We were able to put it back together and it will work temporarily but is not secure and moves around.

Kathy’s apron for church
It works for now

Next chore was to weed whack. For some reason it was really nasty, and I used up both batteries by the time I was done. But it should be good for two or three grass-cuttings before I have to whack again. Then I paid bills to start out for September. I hope to do the ironing, then work on reading and scoring the FF stories. Not an exciting day but I did accomplish some things!

Weed whacked and neat
Paying bills

September 1 – Do you remember any Labor Day traditions of your youth? “No. I don’t think too many celebrated Labor Day when I was young.”

Calendar Inspiration – Rest and play are just as important as work. Take a break; you’ll be glad you did.

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image
Work or rest or play!

Random Photo –

Dad and Kath taking time to play!

TOMORROW September 2nd is:

I can be lazy. Well, maybe I can’t. I’m not real good at being stagnant! Have a happy start to a three day weekend! God bless…

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