Saturday October 4th 2014

IMG_1072[1]Although today started out windy, dark and wet, the day turned sunny and nice by the time April and I got to Smicksburg (PA).  This weekend is their Fall Festival, and there were people everywhere!  I have been going to Smicksburg my entire life and have never seen it so crowded as it was this weekend.  I was happy for the stores and the vendors, but it made it tricky to get around.

We each bought a few little items, but took our time walking through all the displays and getting ideas from the creativity that was abundant everywhere.  From wreaths to framed artwork to spooky goblins and witches – to hot sausages and funnel cakes and homemade baked goods – there wasn’t much missing.  It was a lovely day and we had a very nice time.

Before heading back home, we drove past my aunt and uncle’s farm just for fun, and found a cow standing in the pond having an afternoon drink.  It was the first time I have every actually seen a cow STANDING in the pond drinking.  She looked very content there so we left her and drove on. I enjoyed the entire day, but we decided that next time we planned a trip to Smicksburg it would be an ordinary, nothing-going-on day.  Crowds are not our thing.  But the fun and laughter and beautiful countryside definitely were!IMG_1074[1]

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