October 27, 2022

About mid-morning the sun broke through the clouds. Kelly & I were sitting upstairs in the living room (boys were still sleeping!) and it was like the maples in the front yard suddenly turned golden yellow and were glowing! I should have taken a picture then, but I didn’t manage the picture until I got home from work. Not sure when I am going to get back out to work on the leaves so I’ll just enjoy the fact that the trees and yard both look beautiful!

After Kelly and the boys left I had to go to work. Since I didn’t go in on Tuesday there was a nice amount at both stores, and I also had to stop and help Mike P with something. Then I picked up my costume from Chrissy since I will probably need it on Saturday at Hanna’s Town. Nate’s neighbor bought those little ‘shadow’ characters and the two little deer look so cute in the yard!

Chrissy’s art class went to the Museum of Art in Greensburg today and she sent me some photos. She really loves her art and photography! So let the credit go to the artists for the first two pictures (whoever they are) and I’m not sure who snapped the picture of Chrissy in the shopping cart – it was in the Art Ally…

Chrissy in the Art Ally

I’ve been trying to think of what I can have here in the house that will be easy for Kelly to make when she’s here next week. We came up with a nice list so I’ll be ready to host her when she comes up Wednesday night. So now I’m home and cold and tired – here’s to comfy Snoopy PJ’s!

Comfy Snoopy PJ’s

October 27 – Tell a story about a time when you dressed up in a costume. “When we had a party for Halloween I dressed up like a Fortune Teller and we told the ‘guests’ their fortune. it was a fun evening & even the older folks got into the fun of the evening.”

Calendar Inspiration – Everyone working hard would appreciate a little help – it counts twice as much!

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random photo –

Autmn in her comfy Snoopy bed. (3 months)

TOMORROW October 28th is:

Looks like Frankenstein eats breadsticks! I plan to celebrate CHOCOLATE! And all fun aside, First Responders deserve their own day, every day – They do what we can’t do. Blessings and safety to them all. God bless…

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