After changing bed sheets and having breakfast, I headed to Hanna’s Town to help with the Victorian tea. The hills in front of me had low-hanging clouds and were beautiful in the morning sun. I even drove through one!

Hanna’s Town had a few people waiting to greet us – and some signs about traditions associated with Halloween.

When I got to the Steele house, Becky was there with her pumpkins and extra flowers and greenery. She enlisted my help again and we perked up the vases that were droopy, set up a few new displays, and then cleaned up.

Just as I finished that, Claudia and Priscilla pulled me into the kitchen, so I went from flowers to food! There was lots to do, and we all kept busy from about 9:30am until I left, just a little after 4:30pm. We prepared, plated, (and sampled!) food, from scones and cookies and sandwiches to fruit and cheese puffs and pumpkin fudge. We boiled endless pots of hot water, changed tablecloths and napkins, washed dishes, and served food. Everyone pulled together and we’ve never had so many wonderful and supportive comments from the guests.

Thanks to all who made and contributed the food, served, worked scullery (kitchen help!), and hosted. It was a great day, and although I’m tired now, I’m thankful to be part of such a great team!

And now, at the end of my day, I just finished talking to my friend Teresa to hear about her adventures with Women Traveling Together (Charleston and Savannah). Also doing mounds of laundry from the tea – cloth napkins, tablecloths, and kitchen towels! It keeps on going!

October 22 – What is the farthest you ever ran or walked? “I guess when I was in 6th or 7th grade I was able to run all the way home from school, which was about 1 & 1/2 miles.” Not bad, Mom!

Calendar inspiration – from my Williamsburg calendar!

Quote –

Scripture –

Random photo –

TOMORROW October 23rd is:
- iPod Day
- National Boston Cream Pie Day
- National Mole Day
- National TV Talk Show Host Day
- Swallows Depart From San Juan Capistrano Day
- National Mother-in-Law Day
Mole day! Hmmm.. OK. Well tomorrow is Trunk or Treat at Church for our little ones. Mary and I are doing Cookie Monster – actually she made it. I’ll share pictures tomorrow. Have a great day in the house of the Lord. God bless…
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