October 2, 2022

I had another one of those ‘can’t get to sleep’ nights. I will still awake at a little before 4am.When the alarm went off at 7am I almost jumped out of bed. It’s 5pm and I’m really sleepy. Thinking I will sleep well tonight if I can stay awake until bedtime.

Image result for popping out of bed
George Jetson being popped out of bed!

Mary called me early and is ill so she couldn’t make it to church. I only had Max, and he was pretty into the lesson, which was on God created Seasons. His favorite is winter because he plays outside in the snow with his dad and brother. Winter is my least favorite! He did keep getting Spring and Fall mixed up!

See the source image

The message by Pastor Todd was the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew. It’s a seven week (I think) series and today’s was very good. One of his major points was: Are you a thermostat or a thermometer? Do you control the temperature of the room or do you adjust to the temperature in the room? The challenge today was for 30 days to read 5 chapters a day from Psalms (vertical relationship/God) and one chapter a day from Proverbs (horizontal relationships around us).

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Image result for image of the book of proverbs

The church decorating team had beautiful floral decorations sitting on the tables to bring fall inside.

On the beverage counter

It was pretty chilly this morning so I wore the funky fall-looking tights that my friend gave me!

When I work downstairs on anything I usually put on Discovery +. Currently I’m running through the episodes of Hawaii Life. Did you know the Hawaiian alphabet has only 13 letters? 5 vowels, 7 consonants, and the ‘ sign. If you pay attention to the way the words are spelled and pronounced you can believe it!

So they left the Keystone State to live in Hawaii…

It finally got sunny about 3pm so I did a walk around the neighborhood. Another house had a nice display with one of those super tall blow-ups!

Higher than the HOUSE!

I put a fall hand towel up in the bathroom. I think it looks cute in there.

I made a salad for lunch, then started on chocolate chip cookies. I put Ghoul Mix M&M’s on the top – they are green, orange and purple. The colors make them taste better, right?

October 2 – Can you write any of your school cheers? “D-A-V-I-S School is the best. We can beat all the rest. Rah-rah-rah. :)”

Calendar Inspiration – Take advantage of special, unexpected opportunities.

Quote –

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Scripture –

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Random Photo –

Hempfield High School
Greensburg PA
April 2019

TOMORROW October 3red is:

I don’t have a boyfriend, but I have lots of male friends. I wish every child the best of health. Have a great day tomorrow – celebrate YOU! God bless… (Why not try the scripture reading challenge??)

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