First, a big happy birthday to my great-nephew Isaac! He spent his birthday weekend in Michigan checking out the college band. Chase your dreams, Isaac! Happy birthday!

Sunday School with Max and church were very good. The order of worship was changed slightly and it brought me into each separate aspect individually instead of an automatic process. I really appreciated that. The message was about anger – and Todd had so much to say about that – or rather, GOD does! We must guard our hearts against anger – unresolved anger is dangerous and opens the door to sin. The Bible says that an attack of character is worse than murder. Figure this out: Hurt people hurt people. Don’t carry your anger around like luggage. Identify it, pursue reconciliation, and CANCEL the debt! When we are angry we are incapable of love. Jesus cancelled our debt; can we do the same?

Mary made a bunch of little gnomes and shared one with me. I have it hanging on my stair railing. Thanks, Mary!

After lunch I raked leaves in the front yard and spread them thinly over the newly planted grass. That should help it grow. Then I watered all the new patches since it hasn’t rained and rain is not in the forecast.

My Skunk Hollow cousin Gail’s teen-age granddaughter Susie posted pictures of some fall scenes. These pictures are of places I played at and loved growing up, even younger than Susie! With her permission (Susan Grace Patterson) I am posting these, enjoying the beauty, the memories, and a taste of Home! Thanks, Susie.

We had a singspiration at church this afternoon and it was a wonderful time! My dear friend Patty Buschek played the piano, with three song-leaders. We had actual hymn books – no projectors or screens with words! Sang all the old favorites. I sat with my cousin Deb, my friend Mary and her mom, and a friend Janie Close Ball. Janie and I were best friends during High School, attending youth group events and programs and sharing sleepovers. So many precious memories! Even though Janie and I don’t see each other a much, we are still connected as sisters in God’s family! It was so good to share this afternoon of worship and fellowship.

October 16 – Tell about pulling or losing a baby tooth. “I remember trying to pull a tooth & not being able to get it out. Uncle Edd got a pair of needle nose plyers, washed them in hot sudsy water & pulled my tooth. It didn’t even hurt.”

Calendar inspiration – Explore your spirit of adventure; plan an imaginary trip!

Quote –

Scripture –

Random Photo –

TOMORROW October 17th is:
- Black Poetry Day
- National Edge Day
- National Mulligan Day
- National Pasta Day
- Boss’s Day
- National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day
Tomorrow, a tribute to my bosses! All four of them! And celebrate pasta – and this will be important because…. I will explain tomorrow! God bless…
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