The obvious start to this day is the question, “Where were you when you heard President Kennedy had been shot?” On this day in 1963 JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas Texas, when he was part of a motorcade with the governor of the state. I was sitting in 7th period study hall, and when the announcement came over the P.A. system it simply stated that the president and the governor of Texas had been shot. We all wondered who the president of Texas was. It wasn’t until I reached home that we learned that President Kennedy had been killed.

The current vice-president, Lynden B Johnson, was sworn in as the 36th president of the United States. We were glued to the television for days, watching every show and newscast that we could. It was a sad day for John-John (a nickname he disliked) and Caroline Kennedy, losing their dad. And a sad day for the American people.

I did almost a mile on the treadmill, then worked at both stores, as well as stopping in to see Mike at NGAS. He had several issues that needed help. I popped into Aldi’s (thought I was DONE getting food!), stopped at the bank, got gas for the car, and came home to start laundry. Kelly and the boys arrived about 3pm. After they unloaded their car and the boys set up their gaming devices, Kelly and I did about an hour’s worth of shopping. I was so happy that I had good ideas for gifts for almost everyone on the out-of-the-family list. I did not find one single thing on the list. Maybe we’ll try again tomorrow, as Kelly needs a few things, as well.

We had grilled cheese sandwiches and Lipton soup for supper (except Chase had an egg sandwich). And I was very excited that Chris (the person Rege recommended to look at my basement water issues) called me and will stop at the beginning of next week. He’s fairly convinced that it’s downspout issues, and if it is I will be very, very grateful! I poured about 4 gallon of water out of the dehumidifier since Saturday!

Memory book – November 22nd: What were you doing when John F Kennedy was assassinated? “Your Grandmother Steiner & I were shopping at Davis Supermarket. Everyone was talking about how sad it was. I watched every TV program about it for days.”

On this day in 1934 ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ was first heard on the Eddie Cantor show; in 1944 the musical ‘Meet me in St. Louis’ with Judy Garland’ premiered. In 1984 Fred Rogers presented a sweater to the Smithsonian, and in 1995 TOY STORY was released; the snowmobile was patented in 1927. Rodney Dangerfield, comedian, was born in 1921; Abigail Adams, 2nd first lady, in 1744. Blackbeard the pirate died in battle at age 38 in 1718. C. S. Lewis, author, died at age 64 in 1963, and Mae West died in 1980 at age 87.

TOMORROW November 23rd is:
I’m sort of wondering why cashews get their own day. Well, that’s ok. Their lifespan is very short. It’s Thanksgiving week; be thankful! God bless…
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