It was a little warmer today, but rained off and on. I stopped at Nate’s to get the turkey and he was cutting the grass. When I left it was starting to rain. Hope he got finished. I was able to go outside about 4pm (no rain) and cut back 2 lawn bags of dead plant stalks, and take apart the broken tier lights and throw the bad ones away. The lights still work – the covers are destroyed. They just disintegrated and fell apart.

Since Kelly and two boys are coming up tomorrow, I made a small amount of meatballs. Logan and I like them, and I haven’t had spaghetti in a long while. I did throw my outdoor work clothes in the laundry – the pollen from the sage was so strong that it almost strangled me. It was like a fine powder and I was coughing and sneezing and collecting it all over my clothes.

We had so much to do in Sunday School, we stuck to half a lesson on Daniel – where he refused to pray to King Darius and went against the King’s law to worship God. We will do the lions next week. But they enjoyed making their turkeys. We wrote what they were most thankful for on the feathers. JJ put ‘food’ on twice. It’s really important to him!

For those of you who offered prayers for my two ‘families’, thank you! One issue has improved dramatically and moving in a positive direction. Very thankful. The other is a friend with back and knee pain. He cannot walk at all. If this isn’t resolved he will not be able to go home. I can’t imagine that. Ever! Please continue to pray for his comfort and healing and acceptance. He has a strong faith; prayers make a difference, so thank you!
I stopped on the way home today at a new little antique mall, just starting out. It’s called Yesterday’s RAVE Antiques: stands for Retro, Antiques, Vintage, Eclectic. As they move forward they hope to expand to twice or three times the current size. It’s a very nice place, and the prices are reasonable. For anyone local, it’s in the old Schaller’s bakery building by Nature’s Way.

Memory book – November 21st: If you have a baby picture of me to share, place it here. (attached)

On this day in 1931 the movie ‘Frankenstein’ with Boris Karloff was released; in 1963 President JFK flew to Texas (he would be assassinated the next day). In 1976 Rocky (with Sylvester Stallone) premiered. When we were in Philly we saw the statue at the bottom of the museum steps. Very cool! In 1980 the TV series DALLAS aired with ‘Who Shot JR?’. David Cassidy (Partridge Family) died at age 67 in 2017; In 1987 Demi Moore married Bruce Willis. Goldie Hawn (Cactus Flower – my favorite! – and Laugh-In fame) was born in 1945, and Marlo Thomas in 1937. And Ralph Kercheval -fellow Hempfield grad, former Smail Co-worker- is having a birthday today. Happy birthday, Ralph. Hope you had a wonderful, happy, blessed day!

TOMORROW November 22 is:
Not much to celebrate nationally tomorrow – let’s just have fun! God bless…
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