It was wonderful to wake up to a beautiful, sunny day with the birds singing. I had an English muffin for breakfast, then went to my eye appointment. All was well with that; my vision didn’t change at all, so I didn’t need new glasses. I had considered getting new ones anyway so I would have two pair. The cost (over $350.00) seemed excessive when it wasn’t necessary. So I am holding off for now. I can order them any time within a year. Doesn’t seem practical.

I worked both stores, and reminded Kenny that he hadn’t done the Criminal Backgrounds for 2022. So it’s good to know we’re all crime-free!

After a quick bite of lunch, I changed clothes and went out to do yard work. I weed-whacked first, then cut the grass. Finally I took the blower and cleaned off the paths and steps and walks. The azaleas are starting to bloom – the pink one in the front is fully bloomed and the red one beside it is just beginning. The purple one under the back deck is blooming also. The other two purple ones are still in bud. The pretty blue ‘comfort’ is blooming too, and they are such pretty leaves!

Red – partially blooming

So that took all afternoon, but it looks so nice. Now it’s almost 6pm, so I’ll finish this then get the ironing done.

May 9 – Do you remember any childhood songs or rhymes? “Little Boy Blue; Baa Baa Black Sheep; Little Miss Muffet. Mary Had a Little Lamb was a song all the kids knew and could sing.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was New England, and the picture posted was White Mountain National Forest. I’ve never been there, but I’ve been to New England in the fall, and to several of these places:

Kath & I were both here.

Kath & I have been there and are going back in June!
Calendar Inspiration – What will you pick and choose for success and satisfaction at the day’s end?

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW May 10th is:
The next few days are to be sunny and warm! So excited! I plan to enjoy each drop of sunshine that comes past. Have a wonderful week. God bless…
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