May 7, 2022

I have been busy all morning – changing & washing bed sheets, balancing the checkbook, organizing and cleaning. I also spent some time looking for extra photos of Mom & Dad’s wedding. Joanna asked for them to be displayed with Mom’s wedding dress. I found about six; I labeled them all, and dated them, and even copied their marriage license. I will drop them off to Joanna one day this week after work.

This one met with an accident — had to recopy!

Part of the privilege of being an ARC reader is to post a review. So I am including my review here as well as on Amazon. A Secret in the Tides is the third book by Fiona Baker in her Sea Breeze Cove series.  It’s so easy to become invested in the lives of four friends, all in different stages of life and relationships.  These friends each bring a unique quality and perspective to the friendships.  Each offers support and advise and honesty, even when sometimes it’s hard to hear.  Their families and their extended network of friends add depth and interest as each day Charlotte, Sophie, Elise, and Addison continue to weave their lives and adventures together.  Fiona does a great job in adding emotion, drama, humor, and love to each character, and keeps us personally invested in the four friends that we can identify with.  I recommend the book; but read books one and two first! 

A Secret in the Tides (Sea Breeze Cove Book 3) by [Fiona Baker]

Kelly called me last night to firm up plans for this week. They are coming up on Thursday and staying until late Saturday afternoon or evening. We have the field trip on Friday to the Flight 93 Memorial, and on Saturday we are just hanging out. Peyton and Matt will have to go home on Friday night or Saturday morning because of the animals and going to work. But I have a few fun things Kelly and I can do; the younger boys are content to play their gaming systems. They love my internet!

Amazing high speed modem!

Today is Tara and Jake’s wedding so we will be heading out there this afternoon. This is a two part post – because even though you don’t realize it, I’m taking a break and will post wedding photos when I get home and publish this on the Word Garden!

Marquee – world premier!

Wedding: It stopped raining by the time we headed out, but it was cold and windy and damp. The wedding was in the Revelry Church, which was a converted theater. Their names were on the Marquee, which was amazing! The foyer was strung with lights, and all the playbill frames inside the foyer and the auditorium had pictures and ‘movie titles’ of Tara and Jake. There was a slideshow of photos on the big screen up until the wedding started. Very impressive!

Lights in the foyer
One of the playbills
Wedding venue
On the stage
Tara and Jake with the minister
Exchanging vows

Tara’s dress was beautiful, and the back had a huge bow and several trains. Gwen’s dress was equally lovely; she looked like a 1950’s television star! Aunt Joan played the wedding march on the piano down front for Tara; her shoes were sparkly tennis shoes the same shade as her outfit! Very classy!

Aunt Joan with her flashy shoes!
There’s no place like home; there’s no place like home….
May be an image of 4 people, people standing and indoor
AJ Playing for her granddaughter
Back of Tara’s dress
Gwen and Holly
Back of Gwen’s dress

The reception was at a ‘mountain’ lodge about two miles from the church, and had a lovely white drapery at the top of the steps as a welcome. The flowers on the tables were elegant, and of course there were cookies and a photo booth. Nine of the 10 Skunk Hollow Girls were at the reception so we couldn’t pass up such a fun opportunity. We aren’t all in both pictures – too many of us! Everything was beautiful and the food was very good. And the company – of course! – was perfect.

Table flowers
Place card name
May be an image of 5 people and indoor
Me, Kathy, Paul
May be an image of 5 people, people standing and indoor
Skunk Hollow girls – back row – Karen V, Marge, Gail, Karen O
Colleen, Beth
Holly, Gwen, Kathy

As we were leaving we noticed the ‘bride and groom’ sneaking out – with another couple right behind them. Also snapped a few pictures of the waterfalls below the lodge. Beautiful setting!

Bride and groom leaving…
Wedding guests leaving…
Waterfall reflecting in the small lake
Waterfall by the stairs

Lovely end to a lovely day.

Look at the clouds!

May 7 – Tell about some good advice your mother gave you. “She said to always tell each & everyone that you love them no matter what they do. She also said ‘never tell a lie’ as it will just come back to you as trouble.” Great advice, Grama Crooks!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was the Ukraine. It was suggested by Chrissy’s friend Hope, who has Ukrainian heritage. The picture posted was the Holy Dormition; here are more pictures from Ukraine:

Old Town
Botanical Gardens
Central Park of Culture and Leisure
Deribasovskaya Street
Museum of Folk Architecture and Life
Labyrinth of Fear haunted house
Lviv walking tour
Palanok Castle
Wild Carpathians Tour
Peeks of Lviv

Calendar inspiration – remember your mother, and those who encouraged and guided you.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

Doesn’t this look like an alligator?

TOMORROW May 8th is:

Of course – focus on MOTHERS! I miss my precious mother, but I sense her in everything that happens around me, every day. So much of her is here with me. Celebrate and enjoy – and if you are a mother reflect on those precious ones who made you a mother. God bless…

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