It was nice to have a ‘normal’ (I really dislike that term) and quiet start to my day. A little work in both stores, then home to cut the grass. It felt good to be outside. I snapped some photos of a few little things in the yard, and also brought in a fresh vase of lilacs. They bloom for such a short time I feel like I need to have them for as long as possible!

I finished the laundry loads – I really have a pile linens from Hanna’s Town to iron off. I have a meeting there tomorrow and would like to return them. I still have a load waiting to be folded of my own items!

I know that when most people think of Naomi Judd they think Country Music. Although that crosses my mind, I think of one of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies – Window Wonderland. She was one of the major characters in that movie. I may have to watch it while I iron this afternoon!
- Stars: Chyler Leigh, Paul Campbell, Naomi Judd
- Genre: Comedy | Family | Romance
- Release Date: 2013-11-23
Three birthdays to mention today! First is my niece Tonia – Kathy’s daughter-in law. Happiest of birthdays, Tonia; enjoy your day and have a wonderful year. Next is my sweet friend Mary – hope your day is happy! Than my dear friends Greg & Lynn Pelc’s daughter Sarah. Hope your day is amazing Sarah! Happy, happy birthday to all three special, beautiful ladies!

May 2 – How much do you remember paying for an ice cream cone? “My cousin Hazel and her husband Chester had a small grocery tore. That was where I had my first ice cream cone. They would give us the nickel back. 5 cents was the going price in the 1930’s.” I pass their storefront in Pleasant Unity from time to time. That building is empty now.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was London England, and the photo posted was Electric Avenue! Here are only a few additional sites in London:

Calendar Inspirations – Our choices represent who we are.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

Info tomorrow!
TOMORROW May 3rd is:
- National Chocolate Custard Day
- National Garden Meditation Day
- National Lumpy Rug Day
- National Montana Day
- National Paranormal Day
- National Raspberry Popover Day
- National SAN Architect Day
- National Specially-Able Pets Day
- National Textiles Day
- National Two Different Colored Shoes Day
- National Foster Care Day
- National Teacher Appreciation Day
Gardens are great for meditating; my friend Ed Kelemen is into paranormal big time! I wore 2 different shoes to work one day. Embarrassing 🙁 . We should all appreciate teachers. Have a happy Tuesday! God bless…
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