May 19, 2022

I left for work in the rain and cold temperatures, but when I got home it was sunny and warm and bright. Good for the soul! I set about cooking a batch of fresh garden carrots to have later or Saturday, and then made a double batch of cream of potato soup. Ironically, Gen (whose recipe for the soup I use) called to catch up, and we talked for an hour. It’s sort of funny, because I get Kathy’s moving stories, and Gen’s moving stories, and my neighbor Dottie’s moving stories. I’m going to be an expert on moving tips by the time everyone gets moved this summer!

One container of soup out of three; and the carrots.

I checked on the plants I moved yesterday and they look happy. The hill is really filling in and there are about 50 shades of gr…. green plus some other colors to brighten it up.

Plants on the hill.

Happy, happy birthday to Aunt Joan! Wishing you many more happy, healthy and fun birthdays – and hope to see you soon. Love you!

My mom and Dad &
Aunt Joan
Mom and Aunt Joan – original
Skunk Hollow Girls!

May 19 – If you have another photograph of your childhood to share, place it here.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Idaho – since Tuesday was National Idaho Day. Idaho is the Gem state. The picture posted was the Snake River Greenbelt. Here are other photos of interest:

Coeur d’Alene Lake
Hiawatha Mountain Bike Trail
Old Idaho Penitentiary
Museum of Clean
Hot Air Balloon rides
National Historic Trail center
Festival of Lights

Calendar Inspiration – We all have dreams or talents hidden away within us.  Let them grown and then share them!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

Stunning view but could be anywhere…

TOMORROW May 20th is:

OK – I vote for being a millionaire! But it would have to be for more than a day. Tomorrow’s post will be very short but I’ll catch up on Saturday! God bless…

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