May 18, 2024

Today was the day to switch out the spring and summer comforter on my bed and put the winter one away. It looks bright and happy in there now. A nice change.

After a shower – and toast for breakfast – I got the cookie dough out to start baking. That was fine, but it was too hard to work with. So I let it sit for a while, and printed out my Sunday School extra material, then got some mail ready. I kept watching the weather, which had said rain, but it was sunny and warm. So I got organized and washed all the windows and cleaned the tracks. The tracks are what takes so long and are much harder to clean than the actual windows. It was nice to open a few of the windows and let the warm, clean breeze flow through.

Clean windows; fresh air.

When I was outside I realized how pretty the yard was looking, with so much in bloom and the beds weeded and the grass cut. I even snipped a few rose buds for a vase. I’ll see if they open up.

Left side of yard.
Right side of yard.
Side yard.
Below deck.
Rosebuds – from 5 bushes.

Finally the dough was ready, and I baked the batch of cookies. I froze all but about five of them. I’m doing tours at Hanna’s Town tomorrow afternoon so I will take one or two of them with me to have with a quick lunch before they open at 12:30.

My blessing today was the beautiful weather, blue skies and puffy clouds! It’s like being wrapped in a happy blanket!

Beautiful day.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

Charlie Brown - Clouds
“Look at the Clouds!”

TOMORROW May 19th is:

Frog Jumping Jubilee Day; National Devils Food Cake Day; Pentecost; National Shoelaces Day; Plant Something Day; Step Mother’s Day; Take Your Parents to the Playground Day; World Baking Day; National May Ray Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Light a Light Day. Tomorrow is also my Aunt Joan’s birthday! Her card will be late – I missed the mailman yesterday.

The picture I put in my aunt’s card – it’s her farm in the photo.
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