May 16, 2024

Today was a lovely weather day. Lots to do but everything went smoothly. I stopped on my way to Jeannette to pick up Kelly’s order at Gordon’s, then went through town to get gas for the Mazda. I finally got a chance to stop at Hanna’s Town while Lisa was there, and we got the linens labeled and tucked away.

From there I went to Greensburg Pinnacle and handled a few things for Joe. I had just enough time to pick up food from Diane and get to my chiropractor appointment on time, then home from there.

Align Chiropractic Wellness Center

I got stuck behind a train in South Greensburg. I was the first car behind the gate. It was a fairly long train – I sat and watched the lights blink back and forth until the end came into sight. THEN — the train stopped. I sat there for a few minutes; all the cars behind me turned around the went another way. Eventually I did, as well.

This is where it stopped – almost at the end!

I made bacon and toast for lunch before I went outside to cut the grass. There were only a few places that needed week whacked so I did them first. Since there was only the one section around the bigger tree that needed to be weeded and cleaned up, I was able to finish that in the afternoon. So now all the gardens have been completely weeded once. NOW — we start again!

Cut grass
Bigger tree done
Bushes done – all cleaned up.

Every time I find a Robin’s Egg abandoned in the yard, I put in on this little rock. These eggs are heavier than you think they would be.

Autmn stopped with Cameron to say hello on their way to Pittsburgh to pick up Noah. Cameron is so smart and cute! Mary stopped to get some of the food for her group, and she got to hold Cameron and play with him for a bit. He’s just so precious! I ask God to put a hedge of protection around him all the time. It’s a scary world out there these days!

Happy Cameron
Mary, Cameron and Autmn

My blessing today was seeing Autmn and Cameron, and getting baby hugs! And visiting with Mary for a little while.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW May 17th is:

Bike to School/Work Day; Pinky Finger Day; Endangered Species Day; NASCAR Day; National Cherry Cobbler Day; National Graduation Tassel Day; National Pizza Party Day; Pack Rat Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Play Outside Day. But I love doing that, every day! Let’s do the pizza – and have a great Friday. God bless…

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