This morning was my day to laze in bed for an extra half hour and read. All I had planned for today was to clean so I could spare the time. The sky convinced me that the day would hold some strange weather.

And – it was right. By the time I was eating breakfast it was snowing pretty hard. But they were big, fat floating flakes and actually were beautiful to watch. The snowfall didn’t last long, and was melted by lunch. I felt comfortable enough to run a short errand. Shhh….

Last night while I was watching TV I was going through my two books of post cards. Mom started the first book for me Christmas 1999, and it mostly contained post cards to and from her family: Her dad and mom, grandparents, aunts and uncles – even before she was born. I have been adding to the collection since, and even send myself a postcard from every place unusual I visit or each vacation destination. Feel free to send me a postcard any time you go somewhere interesting. I’d love it! But one of the things in the book was a birth announcement for me. I found it very unusual that my parents introduced me as a ‘pet’! Should I feel insulted?? These days it would probably be an insult to the animal world!

March 9 – What was your favorite radio program? “Probably Fibber Magee and Molly. Without electric we had a radio run on a big battery. We were glad when Dad got an electric radio after the electric was put in the neighborhood. Grandma & Uncle Edd helped pay to have the house wired. We could listen to more programs then.” It’s amazing to think of how life was back then – without electricity. We take it SO for granted!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Astoria, Oregon, and the picture posted was Fort Astoria. If you recall, yesterday was National Oregon Day, so it felt fitting. Other points of interest in Astoria are:

Calendar Inspiration – Appreciate the special pleasure in old friends –those who know you better than you know yourself!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW March 10 is:
- National Blueberry Popover Day
- National Mario Day
- National Pack Your Lunch Day
- National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
- World Kidney Day
Tomorrow is our second installment at Compass Inn for Fireside Chats – Histories and Mysteries of Language. I’m excited to go. Have a Terrific Thursday! God bless…
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