At this point I would vote that March is going out like a lion. It’s very sunny and bright, but the wind is fierce and we had a quick thunderstorm – with a downpour – blow through about noon. I was happy that I was home; I had just came in from a windy walk. In fact, I took about 20 trash and recycle cans out of the middle of the street and put them in yards on my walk. I hesitated to do that but at one point a guy in a pickup just plowed into one in the road. It’s sunny now and hoping it stays that way!

The stream down the street was clear and reflective; notice the clouds reflected in the water?

After my walk I had lunch, then painted my nails. I had left them unpainted all winter so they could breathe. A little purple for Easter! I’m so horrid at doing it myself. But it will have to do!

There are a few hyacinths blooming, plus the myrtle. The ground cover that I planted at the bottom of the driveway at the end of the summer is really filling in!

My spreader also came, and I put it together and rolled it down to the shed. Can’t wait to use it! I have to find out if I use it BEFORE I cut the grass or after.

Just got a call that my prescription is ready, so I may run over there to pick it up when I’m done with this.
March 31 – Tell about a practical joke or prank you played on a person. “I never thought ‘practical jokes’ were funny so I never played them on anyone, even as a child. That doesn’t mean I didn’t do things that caused problems, but not as a joke —-“
Yesterday’s vacation destination was SeaWorld. They do have an extensive rehabilitation program, which was yesterday’s picture post. Here are more photos:

Calendar Inspiration – Make a fresh start today in some way – perhaps add a new good habit.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW April 1st is:
I was never a fan of April Fool’s Day. I worked with a guy at Smail’s that was CRAZY about pulling pranks. One day I set his cloth snowman on fire because he had done something really STUPID to me! I regretted it but it needed done!!! Glad I’ll be here alone tomorrow. NO PRANKS!!! God bless..

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