March 30, 2020
It has come to my attention several times that I have not been keeping up with posts to The Word Garden. This is a true statement. It seems like the less you have to do, the less you get done, and the less motivated and inspired you are! So I am taking responsibility and initiative and striving to make more frequent posts! Today I will start with the page-a-day word from our buddy Snoopy.
His advise is to be … “HAPPY…”! So what makes you happy today? What made me happy today was to wake up to a beautiful world, one that God created, and even though there are a lot of scary and not-so-beautiful things all over the place, beauty still abounds.
I spent the day with Kelly, Logan, and Chase, and had my mom here morning and afternoon. We baked cookies
and made lunch and tried to solve math problems as well as world dilemmas! We had more success with Math.
Since there is no gathering together to visit, work, or worship, I have searched out friends and their churches of choice, and am listening to their live-streamed message of the week. Today I listened to Byron Gurnee
from Keepville Bible Church in Albion PA (My mom and John’s church). Check out the message on facebook by ‘liking’ Keepville Bible Church. What struck me about this message was two things: One, he used the exact same scripture as my friend Gwen Wolfgang who is sending out daily devotions to her family and friends. (Philippians 4:8) THAT is God working! Second, one of the many inspiring statements he made was to THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. In other words, don’t let mindless and negative and unhealthy thoughts corrupt your mind. Fill it with wholesome, inspiring, encouraging thoughts. Remember that nothing is a vacuum; therefore if your mind is EMPTY it will fill up quickly with whatever you hear. And what are you hearing? Is that what you want to focus on? I want to think HAPPY thoughts and be encouraged and feel safe and loved. Seek out the good — the best — the HAPPY!
Thanks, Snoopy and Byron for your lovely words. See you tomorrow!!!
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