I decided the best approach to the week was to spread the chores out and get a few things done every day. I worked both Pinnacle stores but no one called for extra title work – YEA! I stopped at Aldi’s and then at Ollies to get a deck umbrella. Long over-do. I’ll still try to fix the old one but not having much luck. Then I buzzed down to L&L Fleatique just to browse. Found a few interesting items – two things that I have kept since grade school and they had them there for sale. Nice to know they are of some value.

Refreshed the dryer load and folded clothes. A few things to iron which I will do after this. Also scrubbed the inside of the garage door and it looks much better!
Since I’m done decorating I took a few random photos of some of the little displays. I can enjoy them for several weeks.

March 22 – Describe some outside chores. “MOWING the YARD. PAINTED our FENCE that went all around the garden & yard. I think we (Hazel, Jim & myself) had more paint on us than the fence did. Milked a COW. Fed the CHICKENS & gathered the EGGS. Helped weed the GAREDN.” Kids today don’t even know what ‘chores’ really are!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Bar Harbor Maine and the picture posted was Air Tours.

Calendar inspiration – Spring breezes bring lovely surprises – the call of returning birds and rich scents. Keep looking for good things blowing your way!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW March 23 is:
- National Chia Day
- National Chip and Dip Day
- National Near Miss Day
- National Melba Toast Day
- National Puppy Day
- National Tamale Day
I can’t wrap my head around celebrating Melba Toast… Puppies, maybe! Chips and dip for sure! Enjoy. God bless…
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