It’s the first official day of spring. Mr. Winter was having trouble letting go, because it was cold and windy and rainy this morning – then sunny – then cloudy again; It’s 48* right now at 7:45pm. So Ms. Spring forgot to set her alarm and slept in. Maybe better tomorrow!

We had six kids in Sunday School, and I think they all fed off each other’s energy. They were all over the place! But they did do their craft and listened very well to the story. We talked about the Lame Man that Peter and John healed at the temple gate. I explained how he couldn’t walk, or work, and had to beg for money. Max said that wouldn’t be hard. All you had to do was say please! Oh, if only! We talked about it not being quite as easy as that…

I spent the entire rest of the day – until now – working on Easter decorations. It always feels overwhelming when I get the boxes out – I have five – and try to decide where things look the best. Sometimes I move things five or six times. I’m probably still not done moving them.

Tomorrow I will put up the outside stuff – bunnies and eggs, mostly – and put up the window stickees. I will also count out enough plastic eggs so I can put treats in them for the grandkids, then put the rest of the eggs in my baskets. I have every size from tiny to large. I also have plenty of eggs! I just need to get something to eat after this so I won’t get anything else done.

I’m still basking in the pleasure from yesterday’s beautiful bridal shower, and spending time with the Skunk Hollow girls. It will get me through a busy week!

A big happy birthday to my step-sister (in-law) Bobbie! She celebrated today by baking herself her favorite pie. I think that’s terrific. Have a great day, Bobbie, and a wonderful year!!!

Bobbie’s Lemon Meringue Pie

March 20 – What do you remember as your favorite time of year? Why? “Summertime – because we could be outside. Even if we did have extra yard & garden work it was always a fun time. Also, we went to visit our grandparents & aunts & uncles in the nice weather.” I’m with you, Mom! I love summer best! Although in later years she loved fall best, I think.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was – Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, and the lake was the photo posted. Here are a few other things to see and do in Deep Creek.

Calendar inspiration –

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW March 21 is:
- National California Strawberry Day
- National Common Courtesy Day
- National Countdown Day
- National Fragrance Day
- National French Bread Day
- National Single Parent Day
- World Down Syndrome Day
What are we counting down tomorrow? I’ll find something, I’m sure. And I plan to finish up with Easter decorating. Enjoy spring and a brand new week, with no mistakes in it! God bless…
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