I could not BELIEVE how cold and windy it was when I just now went up for the mail! Temps say 18* but the RealFeel is 7*. I’m not sure how I managed to be outside cleaning up the snow this morning for over an hour!

Shoveling was NOT on my priority list, so I changed my bed sheets, threw them in the washer, got a shower, made breakfast, and was contemplating my next move when I hear a noise out my window. My neighbor across the street was snow-blowing the longest part of my driveway. I was so grateful for that, because the snow was wet and very heavy, and it took all my energy to finish the bottom of the driveway, the sidewalks and the decks. So even though I did send him a thank you, again: Thank you, Allan, for sharing your time and talent!

The next chore on the list was to scrub the basement floor. Every time I do that, a tiny bit more of the white stain comes off. There are a few places I don’t think will come clean. I’m still waiting to hear back from the insurance inspector about what they plan to do. I was listening to Holmes Rescues Families while I was scrubbing, and the program was about an undetected water leak. When I saw what they went through it sent shivers down my spine, thinking what could have happened. I literally thank God every single day for the wonderful, focused, talented plumber who found the issue and corrected it right away. He was a gift from God!

I noticed when I was doing laundry that the laundry room seemed very stuffy and humid. After a bit of detective work I discovered the that dryer vent came apart at one of the seams, and the hot dryer air was being thrown back into the room. I couldn’t get it to fit back together, but I was able to use about half a roll of duct tape and patch it temporarily. Nate and Dave are coming over next week to fix it right.

Sarah sent me a picture of Wyatt cuddling with the Snoopy that I bought him. He looks so cute – and I’m glad he enjoys Snoopy. Who wouldn’t??

I believe there is something a little off-center in my priority focus. Yesterday I spent hours washing windows, and today I spent hours scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees – both using vinegar water. And I am thoroughly excited and pleased to see these places sparkling and clean. It’s sort of like balm for the soul! What is WRONG with me? When cleaning is the most exciting thing…. Yikes!

March 12 – Tell of a difficult school essay or term paper assignment. “None I remember.” That makes sense because Mom didn’t attend her Junior or Senior year.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Compass Inn in Laughlintown, where we have been going to the Language classes. I thought I would post some of the programs they offer. Yesterday’s photo was the Blacksmithing Class. These programs are on the schedule so check out the website for information:

These events were from 2021, and dates have not yet been announced for 2022. Keep checking the website. (Remember – dates listed are inaccurate, and programs may change yearly.)

Calendar inspiration – Drama & beauty can be found anywhere at any time. Keep your eyes and heart open every day!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW March 13 is:
- National Coconut Torte Day
- National Earmuff Day
- National Good Samaritan Day
- National Jewel Day
- National K9 Veterans Day
- National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day
- Daylight Saving Time
Don’t forget to change your clocks for tomorrow – Spring Ahead. That means – unfortunately – we will lose an hour’s sleep. It will take me a week to get used to the new schedule but it will be nice to have more daylight in the evenings. Enjoy, and God Bless…
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