Kathy — 2-6-23

Just got a message from Kathy that she just got home (4pm). I have no other details but she is happy to be home! I hope to help with food for a day or two but not sure what it will be yet! Thanks for your support and prayers – and please continue them. I’ll keep you posted as I know anything!

From Kathy:

Kathleen Eisaman

And here is my update. I am so happy to be home. I have to take antibiotics for 12 days to be sure my serious infection is completely gone. When it is totally cleared up, I’ll have a procedure to break up the kidney stone. It is too large to pass on it’s own. No pain most of the time, so that a blessing. l really appreciate all the love and prayers from family and friends. God is good…all the time.

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8 comments on “Kathy — 2-6-23
  1. Sharon says:

    So glad to hear that your pain is minimal. Keep getting well, others are rooting for you!

  2. Teresa Shanta says:

    Praying for a fast recovery Kathy. Happy to hear you are home.

  3. Gen morris says:

    That is a good news message regarding Kathy! I’m thankful that this is happening in February rather than April! Tell Kathy I’m praying that through good medical care she’ll soon be feeling tip top!

  4. Claudia Winter says:

    Good news, Kathy. I’m happy to hear you are home. Do everything the docs say…sure would be great if you were 💯% for the Tea…😉😊

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