June 25, 2016

2009-05-09 007Today 40 people gathered on 40 acres to celebrate 30 years of love and marriage with our wonderful parents.  People came from Virginia, the Carolina’s, (almost) West Virginia, Tennessee, and several parts of Pennsylvania. It wasn’t easy to pull off this surprise with so many people involved, but I think we WERE able to surprise them.  When I showed up with Autmn, then Nate and Chrissy walked in, they didn’t quite know what to think!  But as the hour passed, car after car loaded with food and family pulled into their drive, until John’s kids, grandkids, and great grandkids – and Mom’s kids, grandkids, and great grandkids – all bustled around the house and yard.

My day started at 5am, and by 7:15 we were on the road, loaded down with sun tents, lawn chairs, coolers, drinks, food, games, balloons, streamers, and excitement.  We could have probably fed 40 more people, but I don’t know where we’d have put them! John’s family is much larger – and much more spread out – but what a great representation came to celebrate!

We took the opportunity to get some special photos – Kath and I took all our grandkids (and a few adults!) making a pyramid in the yard.Albion.3 6-16  My family stepped together for a quick photo – one of the rare times we were ALL at the same place at the same time!Albion.2 6-16

All of Mom’s family (except for three!) crowded around Mom and John on the porch for a photo,Albion.4 6-16 and after we dispersed John’s family started getting photos, too. We had a wonderful day visiting and playing and talking and eating and catching up – I know we left two tired but happy people behind at the end of the day.

When the crowd started to thin out, some of the group drove over to Lake Erie (Beach 11!) and hit the sand and sun for a few hours, Albion.1 6-16while some were just sort of worn outAlbion 6--16 from having so much fun!

It was very exciting to spend time together, and to celebrate a beautiful marriage and a precious family. 

God Bless us Every One!  Albion.5 6-16

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