June 23, 2024

Chase and I went to Sunday School – he went to his age appropriate class which was good to interact with his peers. Kim and I taught the Rich Young Ruler. They did a ‘sewing’ paper about ‘It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven. The boys actually had several interesting thoughts on the subject!

Cody and Jackson

When we got home, Chase immediately took a nap. I ate half an egg salad sandwich then went outside to work on weeding between the patio stones. Got the weeds all pulled but it started to rain so I couldn’t clean it off.

It rained and poured and the drops bounced off the driveway!


Chase woke up when I came in, so I made him Quilla-Dillas (quesadilla) and took a break. I did want to get one more thing done, so I scrubbed the 8 hanging baskets that I want to use for the Loyalhanna Review party in July. They were very dirty and had black loomie soil stuck to them. I squirted Dawn dish detergent in them all and hosed them down. They came out really nice. I will put books in the basket part and a bow on the hanger – a garden of words!

They scrubbed up nice.

Todd’s message this morning was about sexual identity. It was very interesting and I thought he did a good job of presenting the truth. If you’re struggling with this, or know someone who is, check out today’s message on Hempfield Church of Christ you-tube or web site.

Hempfield Church

My blessing today was feeling good enough to be at church and actually accomplishing something this in the afternoon!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW June 24th is:

International Fairy Day; National Glad Day; National Pralines Day; Swim a Lap Day; Insect Week; Rabbit Week; National Patch Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Amazon Day. Tomorrow let’s celebrate rabbits! God bless…

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