Lots to do today! I went for the 6am senior shopping at Walmart – but had to go alone today. I missed my sister being with me! Got a few things for her, as well. Came home and walked, ate breakfast, pulled weeds, and cut the grass. After lunch I went over and helped with Mom’s shower. She decided she didn’t want one – but we ended up persuading her and all was well. My new flags came today! My old ’76’ flag was ripped and tattered – it will go in the designated box by the post office. And also it RAINED today – at least for a bit. We actually need even more than we got. This morning I bought a fresh bag of red/white/blue M&M’s in anticipation of next weekend. My favorite! I’m baking a meatloaf for lunch tomorrow, and will grab supper when I’m done with this.
I listed to Greg’s message from Vanderbilt church. Sometimes the sermons are as much a history lesson as anything, which I dearly love! I crave learning new details and how seemingly unrelated events are actually very tied together. The sermon was Bad Advice not Taken. The idea was that we need to be aware enough to know the entire circumstances before we make any judgement on whether to follow advise. His example was that in Matthew Peter revealed that he believed that Jesus was the Christ, the son of God. Jesus told Peter he was ‘blessed’ and his kingdom would be built on those words. A few verses later, after Jesus explained what would happen to Him in Jerusalem, Peter said “Never Lord! This shall never happen to you.” And tried to dissuade him. After blessing Peter a few moments ago, Jesus turned to him and said “Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block!….” Peter was suggesting that Jesus step away from his plans – and Jesus knew that this was bad advise. We often think about things in earthly terms and not heavenly ones. Jesus said whoever would gain the world would lose his soul; what will you give in exchange for your soul?? We must deny ourselves and follow Jesus – Don’t exchange JESUS for the GOLDEN CALF of doing whatever you think you want to do. Jesus is our answer!
On this day in 1683 William Penn signed the friendship treaty with Lenni Lenope Indians (Pennsylvania). In 1810 John Jacob Astor organized the Pacific Fur Company in Oregon, and in 1955 Walt Disney’s Lady and the Tramp was released. That is the first movie I took my daughter Kelly to the theater to see! June Carter Cash was born in 1929, and my 2nd (or is it 3rd???) cousin Eric Patterson is celebrating a birthday today. Happy birthday Eric! Today is National Hydration Day (drink lots of water!), National Pink Day, National Pecan Sandies Day, and National ‘Dark and Stormy’ Day — If you are a Peanuts fan you know that is Snoopy’s famous first line in almost all of his attempts to write novels! Have a happy day! God bless —
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