June 21, 2020

This day has been one for the books — And no a book I want to re-read. I did get a walk in early this morning. It was warmer than I thought and was over dressed but refreshing. I made a double batch of scones and put them in the freezer for Kelly – hopefully next weekend we can connect up and she’ll have a nice supply. I pulled a few weeds and trimmed some plants, made lunch, and that’s about the extent of my day so far.

It's a Bad Day

I listened to Paul’s message from River Hill, a Father’s day message on ‘A Father’s Influence can be Positive or Negative.’ He listed 3 traits to make a successful father, who can create a safe and happy place.

  1. If you want your home to succeed, focus on your family as a priority. 2) Walk with God, before God, in His ways, and in His laws. Take the time for Bible study, prayers; attend Sunday School and Church, and have fellowship with other Christians. Be an example! 3) Fear the Lord to receive a blessing. Fear?? It does actually mean fear, not respect or devotion. He loves us and protects us – and promises that we will lack nothing. Remember this: If we fear God we will fear nothing else; if we don’t fear God we will fear everything else. Wise words. If you are connected with JEsus you will be connected with God.

Cyrus McCormick

ON this date in 1834 Cyrus McCormick patented thee reaping machine; in 2003 JK Rowling released her 5th Harry Potter book. In 1631 John Smith (In charge of the Virginia colony – Jamestown) died at age 51. Birthdays – 1982 Prince William! Also my childhood friend – we have know each other since before we started school! – Sandy Nelson Brinker – and my cousin John’s wife Judy’s daughter Jaclyn Leona are both celebrating today! Happy birthday. Today is National Skateboarding Day, National Selfie Day, Daylight Appreciation Day, and Turkey Lover’s Day. Also HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO THE WONDERFUL FATHER’s WHO HAVE MADE SUCH AN AMAZING DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF SO MANY!

Acquitted Murderer Lizzie Borden
Lizzie Bordon

And since I didn’t post yesterday, on THAT day in 1840 Samuel Morse patented the telegraph and in 1893 Lizze Borden was Acquitted – REALLY???!!! in 1867 the Alaska Purchase was announced. Brian Wilson of the Beloved Beach Boys fame was born in 1942, and Nicole Kidman in 1967. Yesterday was National American Eagle Day, Seashell Day, Longest Day of the Year, and Vanilla Milkshake Day. Also, Ugly Dog Day – sorry – I didn’t make it up!!! God bless….

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