June 21, 2016

DSCN372430 years ago today my mom – Dorothy Crooks Steiner – married John R Graves Sr.  I don’t think he realized he was getting a packaged deal.

2009-01-30 002Mom had known John most of her life, but life took them down different paths until 1986, when their paths joined in a different way. They were married on a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon, in a little white country church in Home, PA.  Family and friends from both the Steiner/Crooks side and the Graves side were there to help them celebrate – then Mom moved lock, stock, and furniture to Albion – a 40 acre farm and a three story house.  She went back to her country roots, after being in Greensburg for over 30 years.

And it worked.  We have all watched our parents make a wonderful life together, full of happiness, laughter, hard work, devotion to the Lord, and lots of cats.  I’m sure there were some hard times in there, too – but they were wise enough to know what to do about that.  They have traveled through hardship and plenty, both of their cancer surgeries and recoveries, and lots of cats.  There was gardening and mowing and weeding and lots of cats.  But they loved each other through it all – and still do.

I know from talking to John’s family that Mom has been a blessing to them, bringing them together in a way that helped them grow closer.  And I know for a fact that John has been a blessing to our family – opening his home and his heart and his love to us any time, all the time.  We wish them a happy celebration of their 30 years, and although it may be unlikely that there will be 30 more, we can honestly wish them MANY more, so they can truly say their cup runneth over!  We love you!  Happy anniversary!!

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