June 19, 2022

Our Sunday School lesson was about Jesus calming the storm. Max & JJ took turns making the waves higher and higher. They loved it, of course. Then for snack time Mary brought in a small cake, and they sang to me. I let them blow out the candles. It was a great morning.

Party time!

Today will be a tribute to fathers, and to the fathers in my life. First are my two grandfathers – Jess Crooks and Lloyd Steiner. To me, Jess was quiet but firm, and sang army songs all the time. I didn’t spend a lot of time with him but he was a wonderful man. Lloyd was stern and also firm, but he was wonderful to me, and read me Weekly Readers. I loved them both.

Grandad Jess Crooks
Grandpap Lloyd Steiner

My dad, Cliff Steiner, loved people (and horses!), loved to laugh, and was a very giving and generous man. He taught me a lot, from learning to ‘listen’, to learning to drive, to learning to be a faithful witness.

Dad – with Kathy on Dusty

My step-dad John Graves loved our mom and loved the Lord, was a hard worker, and provided well for mom. He was always kind to Kathy & I.

John – age 100

Stoney was …. even tempered, reserved, and a great golfer. And was always whistling! We DID have our moments!

Stoney and me

Matt Hancher is a great man of faith, a good provider, and loves his family. He will do anything for anyone that he can; he is honest and caring. He CHOSE my daughter, and he loves her. And the boys!

Matt & Kelly

Nate Burke loves peace (no conflicts!); he loves his family. He is honest and kind and fair. He also is a hard worker and willing to sacrifice for others even if they don’t realize. He loves his girls; and he helps his Mom!

Nate painting my door!

Love and honor and peace to all the fathers out there. Don’t ever give up, and look to God to direct your lives and your family! Blessings!

May be a cartoon of text that says 'HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! ko'

June 19 – Tell a favorite memory of your father. “I loved it when our cousin Helen Hemprich would come to visit from New Kensington. She would play the piano & Dad would sing the songs he sang when he was a young man.” See! I knew he loved to sing!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. My favorite vacation spot, and the picture posted was Great Hopes Plantation and the windmill. Here are just a FEW other things to do and see in Williamsburg. I’m ready to go back! Our Skunk Hollow cousin Beth is there now with her family. Have a wonderful time, Beth!

Hauntings and Ghost Tours
Colonial History Walking Tours
Christmas Decorations walking tour – one of our favorites.
Capitol Building
Governor’s Palace
Bruton Parish Church
George Wythe House
Peyton Randolph House
Carriage rides
Liberty Ice Pavilion
Fife & Drum – Susan’s favorite!

See the source image
Lots of fun shopping.

I could go on and on – there is SO MUCH! I love this place….

Calendar inspiration – What was the best advise you got from your father? It would have been this: My life and my actions are my witness.  People are watching me even when I don’t know it.  Let people see the best ‘me’ that there is, so they see God in my choices.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

In honor of my dad.

TOMORROW June 20 is:

No vanilla milkshake for me! Either chocolate or I’ll pass, thank you. This will be the last post until I return – so probably at the end of the week. Thanks to all who are faithful readers. Love to all – God bless!

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