June 16, 2024

Happy Father’s Day to my dad – gone since 1985. Miss him! And to Nate and Matt and Noah – Enjoy the honor God gave you to be a Dad. And thank you for loving and taking care of the families that I love!

My dad and family
Matt and Family
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Nate and family
Noah and family

Today has been a weird day. I could barely make it through Sunday School. But since Mary was out from her surgery, Kim stepped in and helped with the class. They made scripture tool boxes for their dads.

Jackson, Max, Gracie, Cody

I didn’t sleep well last night at all. So I came home, threw myself on the couch, and fell asleep! Can’t wait until this stupidity is over! But after I took a cat nap I ate some soup for lunch, then went outside and did a flower walk. That (and finishing the ironing) was the extent of my day! Now I’ll grab supper and wait for the new work week to begin – – hopefully on a little more sleep!

Across the hill
First gladioli to bud
Unique day lily
More flowers

Today would have been Ron Buschek’s birthday. All these years and I still miss his laugh!

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Ron and his family – decades ago!

My blessing today was having Kim to help in class. And the kids did very well!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be a doodle of motorcycle and text

TOMORROW June 17th is:

Bunker Hill Day; Global Garbage Man Day; National Apple Strudel Day; National Eat your Veggies Day; National Spider Day; National Mascot Day; Take Your Cat to Work Day; National Root Beer Day; National Cherry Tart Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Be Low Key day. Hope you celebrated your dad today. Tomorrow? Eat your veggies – then have some Strudel! God bless…

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