TODAY is Flag Day – and it’s fitting that we honor and remember this great country that our flag represents.
On June 14th, National Flag Day honors Old Glory and commemorates the adoption of the United States flag on June 14, 1777. The holiday is a day that Americans show respect for the U.S. Flag and what it represents. Representing independence and unity, the Star-Spangled Banner has become a powerful symbol of Americanism and the flag is flown proudly.
As is typical I just spent the day cleaning, doing laundry, and reading a chapter at a time in my current book –
This morning I heard the familiar tap-tap-tap on my living room window. I walked over and put my hand on the glass, and the bird just kept tapping away! He’s really determined!
While I was cleaning, I had HGTV on – was watching a very interesting show: Houses with History. There is always a story connected with the house, and typically the houses were built between the late 1600’s and the late 1800’s. Really cool show. Takes place in Plymouth, MA.
I was trying to log into a discussion on facebook with Alyssa Maxwell (author) but cannot connect! Hug. Oh, well. It’s no secret I’m not adept at this type of stuff!
TOMORROW June 15th is:
National Foam Party Day; National Career Nurse Assistant’s Day; National Megalodon Day; National Smile Power Day; Nature Photography Day; Global Wind Day; Magna Carta Day.
Megalodon is about a huge shark, so no. I’ll stick with the smile power. God bless…
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