June 12, 2024

I did very well at staying on the cleaning track and didn’t get distracted by my book or other projects. I cleaned and did laundry until about 4pm, and then I did a whole week’s worth of ironing. All done!

(I don’t iron in heals….)

So Day Four of VBS is in the books. We had 3 students again — Lia, Braelyn, and Aaron. Aaron never said a word the entire time. All he did was shake his head. But he did listen. Our lesson was Daniel in the Lion’s Den and the kids were good listeners. I told them if they were careful to listen to the story we’d have time for a fun game. I had Kathy’s bean-bag lion toss with me. They loved it. I asked them a question and then they got to toss the bean bag. Braelyn’s answer to every question was ‘lion’. Lia would jump up and down and whisper the right answer in her ear!

Lion toss

This afternoon Mary sent me pictures from Sunday school last weekend. I guess Max’s shoe was untied and Gracie was kind enough to tie it. I hope he marries well….

Max and Gracie
Max and Gracie

My blessing today was a full night’s sleep. I went to bed at 10:30pm and woke up this morning at 8:35am! That is a lot of sleep! I guess I must have needed it.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW June 13th is:

International Axe Throwing Day; National Sewing Machine Day; National Weed Your Garden Day; National Curly Hair Day; Random Acts of Light; World Softball Day; National Clay Week; National Golf Cart Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Vase Day. Tomorrow I will celebrate my sewing machine and weeding my garden. It needs some weeding done! God bless…

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