July 4, 2024

It’s a little after 8pm and I’m ready to call it a day. Autmn called last night and asked if they come stay here overnight – they had to be in Latrobe at 7am this morning and it’s over an hour just from their apartment to Greensburg. By the time they got here it was after 11pm. They are young and buzzing around all hours of the day and night with a baby doesn’t faze them. However it upset Cameron’s schedule and by midnight he was wide awake and playing with a Kleenex box in his bed!

Midnight playtime!

All attempts to settle him back to sleep failed, so I brought him downstairs and we sat together and rocked and sang for over an hour. He was content to snuggle and hang on to my shirt with his little fist. He finally fell asleep about 2am — but I was fairly certain that traipsing back up the stairs and trying to lay him down would just disturb the household again.

Sound asleep —– I think!

So I spread blankets on the floor, turned on the Hallmark channel, and tucked us both into a warm little cocoon. He did stay asleep but he’s not an easy sleeper and he was all over the place. I did not sleep more than an hour or so.

Non-stop all night Christmas movies

But he was so fun to cuddle! At 5:30am (as predicted by Autmn!) he sat strait up, smiled at me, and was ready to play. He took off crawling across the floor and attempted to rearrange the book shelves. So my rest was done.

Waiting for breakfast.

We played and had breakfast and sang some more and read books and kept moving breakables to high shelves. Autmn came back from dropping Noah off at about 8am and we spent the morning together. Her plans were to take Cameron to visit her dad and Jen while I took a shift at Hanna’s Town.

Homemade blueberry pancakes.

Today was free museum day and it was very busy! I don’t think I sat down in over 2 hours. It’s very fitting to listen to the Declaration of Independence read aloud on the 4th of July!

Dye garden
Ready for beans to grow
Declaration of Independence

Once I got home, I cleaned up a few things outside, straightened up the blankets on the spare bed and put the pack and plan away. Then I made brownies since Nate and Jen are always hungry for brownies! I’m running on fumes so that’s my day! Hope you took a minute to celebrate and appreciate our freedoms.

My pinwheel fell down – I had to dig a new hole and put it back up.
Brownies ready for icing.

My blessing today is living in this great country, and for spending time with Autmn and Cameron!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW July 5th is:

Mechanical Pencil Day; National Apple Turnover Day; National Bikini Day; National Graham Cracker Day; National Workaholics Day; Pet Remembrance Day; National Wren Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Couch Day. Tomorrow — maybe Graham Crackers and pets! God bless…

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