July 18, 2020

My poison ivy is itching me crazy! Ugh! I have really good cream so I hope it takes effect quickly! It’s giving me a headache. So, first thing this morning I stopped at the Lynch Field farmer’s market. It was fairly busy, but again no tomatoes and I already bought squash and beans. From there I went to Hanna’s Town. There was a work party doing some planting and mulching and cleaning up. A young Eagle Scout (Jim) organized the project and there were quite a number of volunteers there. I took pictures of the crew and the paths. I helped spread mulch for a little bit, but they had some heavy-duty workers that left me in the dust, so I moved to another spot. I dug up some weeds and straightened up the mulch, lined the area with logs and put some stones there to create interest. Then I pulled the weeds around the trail sign.

Pam checking out the plantings
Upper trail all mulched
Pam and Joanna directing the hole digging
Joanna and Pam
Jim conferring with Joanna

One of my favorite spots is the old cement water trough. Since the water isn’t high enough or fast enough to fill it, Joanna said they were going to plant in it instead. I also chopped and pulled and raked weeds and vines away from a small stone wall by the bridge. Looks so much better now! I stayed until after lunch, then came home and scrubbed myself and my equipment. Re-applied cream to poison, did some research, then turned on Christmas Hallmark movies. Had a yummy chicken salad for supper!

Water trough
Stone wall by bridge
bench area all cleaned up
sign before weeded
Sign weeded!

Finally I could listen to Micah at Old Mahoning. We are guaranteed salvation if we seek and accept it. He BECAME … so we could BECOME… We need to grow up and accept and recognize and serve! When we get concerned about our salvation we have to know that God is still in charge, and he doesn’t change his mind or let us down. Jesus is our high priest and he protects us. God established a promise, and it will endure, we can enjoy, and it’s unchangeable! It’s forever, because God doesn’t lie. He gave us an anchor, he gave us access to him and salvation, and we have the advantage of FOREVER. So our responsibility is to move on to perfection; DO something! Stay in the Word, if not, you’ll stray and fall away. God cares about us and notices everything we do and what we need. We have hope in Him and it never dies!


On this day in 64, it was the Great Fire of Rome under emperor Nero – remember: Nero fiddled while Rome burned??? In 1864 Abraham Lincoln asked for 500,000 volunteers for military service. John Glenn was born in 1921, and Kristen Bell (FROZEN fame) was born in 1980. Jane Austen died at age 41 in 1817. And Machine Gun Kelly was born in 1895 and died at age 59 in 1954 on his birthday.

Jane Austen

Today is National sour candy Day, National caviar Day, and World listening day. None of those apply to me today, although I am listening to Hallmark movies! Have a great day! God bless…

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