July 15, 2022

Today was a full day. Started with Brown P/H/AC coming first thing to give the A/C its annual checkup. All good. They were still here when Di came over for breakfast. She had a few bags of clothes that her granddaughters were passing along, and I am sharing them as well. We had a nice visit and enjoyed our scones and hot tea.

clothes to share

Chase, of course, slept through everything, but Di brought him a big bag of Jolly Ranchers so he was super happy! He had French toast for breakfast and then I made a pot to cream of potato soup with the last of the potatoes.

His favorite are the blue ones…

I think we finished the Snoopy doghouse! There may be a little (minimal) touchup for tomorrow but we’ll see how everything looks when it is totally dry. Then I’ll get the numbers and letters to add the address.

Just needs address…

Since we had the black touch-up paint out, I trimmed the little shelf that holds part of my stereo. You can see the difference between before and after.


In the meantime, I did a load of laundry, moved a huge stone in front of the porch because it was hidden under the shrubs, pulled and cut the weeds and stalks on the left side of the hill, and did little odds and ends. Chase is playing online video games. I still have ironing to do, if I get to it tonight.

This stone was out of the creek behind our Shady Lane house ( where I grew up). It sat by the steps into my Grandma and Grandpap Steiner’s house right below ours. Mom gave it to me when she moved to Albion.

Chase had crescent rolls for supper….

Can’t believe he DIDN’T eat the whole thing!

Teresa and Gigi came over last night. That little pup is so cute! She’s almost a year old already! She loved having the freedom to just run around the yard, and enjoyed all the new sights and sniffs. She ended up tiring herself out. Chase got his Domino’s pizza and ate the whole thing except two small pieces. I was lucky to even taste it!

Checking things out
All worn out

And the moon was still full last night…

Right now we are waiting to hear from Kelly – not sure what the plans are for getting Chase home. Might be tomorrow but doesn’t matter to me! Tomorrow IS another day!

Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara quotes. | Tomorrow is another day, Gone  with the wind, Scarlett o'hara quotes

July 15 – Share a memory about going on a picnic. “The picnics I remember were at the Dayton Fair Grounds. We put blankets on the ground by the car & ate egg sandwiches & celery, chocolate cake & sugar cookies. I think we might have had home made Root Beer. We were so excited to be at the fair we didn’t care much about eating.”

Calendar Inspiration – Amen, and amen!

Quote –

Quotes about Goodness of god (167 quotes)

Scripture –

85 God is Good Quotes From All Faiths (2022)

Random Archive Photo –

Our buddy Tazz-puppy

TOMORROW July 16th is:

I could get into having a Personal Chef – but I wouldn’t ask for Corn Fritters. Maybe a chicken salad or turkey with gravy. Or just my cream of potato soup that I didn’t have to make! Alas — never happen. Have a wonderful weekend. God bless…

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