Rainy cool cloudy day – but I stayed tucked inside and was comfy. Nate came over and found the shut-off valve for the water connection to the fridge’s ice maker and water dispenser so he shut that off. There’s enough ice in there to last until the new fridge comes. Then he fixed the ghost in my downstairs bathroom exhaust fan.

Yesterday morning I came downstairs and the fan was making at rattling noise. BUT — it wasn’t on! I don’t think I’ve turned on that fan in months and months. The switch was turned off. I fussed with it a bit but it took a while for it to actually shut off. Occasionally throughout the last 24 hours it would rattle a bit so I decided to disconnect it. Nate was able to adjust SOMETHING (not sure what!) and it seems ok now. I’ll keep an eye on it.

So after Nate left I got busy with some little chores. First, however, I took about 15 minutes and sat down and read a few chapters of my current book. I’m reading THE CHRISTMAS TRAIN – I’ve seen (and even own) the movie but wanted to read the book. They are very different but I’m enjoying all the background information and history incorporated in the book. Well worth the read!

I organized my little corner shelf where I keep my vitimins and prescriptions and pill travel organizers. That didn’t take long! I answered a few emails, too, and then cleaned off the fridge. Took everything off the top and doors, etc. Cleaned out the freezer and put everything in the one downstairs. Had to leave everything in the fridge as I only have one! I’m so excited for the new one to come tomorrow. I’m not good with change, so I’m sure it will take some getting used to, since it’s bottom freezer and French doors on the top.

My main chore for today – left over from yesterday’s list – was chocolate covered pretzels. Everything went fairly well — until I turned on the faucet and the water hit the lip of the pan and sprayed all over the back splash and my shirt! No harm done but I stopped and cleaned it up. I always put the pretzels in the fridge so they set well before I put them in the freezer. When I opened the door, and smallest tray let loose, slid out like a sled on a hillside and bounced across the floor! Thankfully I had just scrubbed the floor (it was dripped with chocolate and little sprinkles!) so I didn’t mind picking up a few. I tucked them into a seperate container. Bummer – thus is life!

After a second kitchen clean-up, I organized the pantry space downstairs. Sometimes it just gets out of control. I also like it when I can share excess! The kids love fruit snacks…

Todd’s message was about asking for help, and how we feel it’s a weakness. In Genesis – very beginning! – God realizes that Adam needs help RIGHT AWAY. So he creates a helper for him. We were never meant to funcation as isolated individuals – we need to share and help each other. Go back and look up the words to John Lennen’s HELP – it’s spot on! There was so much more – but this will get you started thinking about it. Don’t try to do everything yourself; use your gifts but let others help!

Fun things to do in Texas:

Quote about asking for help:


Top song of 1971: JOY TO THE WORLD – Three Dog Night

TOMORROW January 30th is:
National Croissant Day; National Bubble Wrap Day.
Tomorrow is also new fridge day! So exciting. Stay warm and safe and happy. God bless…
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