Start making your list — Eleven months until Christmas Day! I’m not ready. I changed and washed my bed sheets, then had breakfast and started on my day. I did a bit of reading while I was drinking my hot tea. I decided to get a jump on making scones and mixed them up before lunch and tucked them into the fridge until tomorrow when I’ll bake and freeze them.

I saw a panther in my back yard this morning – sneaking across the snowy ground, jumping up the fence and leaping off the other side. Actually it was a cat…

I decided that today would be a reorganize day. I went through some drawers and closets and sorted out things I didn’t need or were just plain trash. I started with the upstairs flag room closet and little cupboard.

Also went through the coat closet downstairs, and reorganized the storage bins, the closet shelf, and the drawers.

While I’m typing I am watching Surprised by Love starring Paul Campbell. We all know he’s my favorite…

That’s enough for today, after doing a bunch of laundry. I should probably iron but we’ll see when I’m done here.

Scripture of the Day:


TOMORROW January 26th is:
Dental Drill Appreciation Day; International Customs Day; National Bible Sunday; National Green Juice Day; National Spouse Day; National Peanut Brittle Day.
I DON’T Appreciate dental drills! We should celebration national Bible day. If you have a spouse, celebrate! God bless…
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