January 25, 2021

Eleven months from today…. 🙂 I was inspired today by Snoopy – and I actually did purchase some Chocolate Chip Mint ice cream! Yum!

Great news from my daughter today – follow up appointments with her surgeon (dermatologist) and oncologist. Scans were clear, and no sign of what they THOUGHT was still a few unresolved margins on her nose. She is scheduled to have a small spot removed in office on Wednesday of next week, but it all looks fine. Oncologist says she can stop the Chemo pills and this should be the end of it for her! We were both rejoicing – and when we hung up I cried! I’m so excited for her – God it good, all the time, and he heals and answers prayers. What a crazy eleven months it’s been.

Kelly’s Warriors, organized by Carrie Kasler Hill
Kelly last year – or 2019? Not sure.

I will share Bram’s message today from First Baptist – Lucy asks Charlie Brown to explain love. He finally admits he can’t do it! We see love in the lives of those who live it. We all have trouble describing love. First Corinthians 13 was actually written by Paul to a congregation, and he struggled to address them about it. Love is a way to practice our faith, how we conduct ourselves as we represent Jesus. What’s LOVE got to do with it? Everything!! Love: 1) Bears all things – hate stirs up strife but love covers offences. Love covers punishment with the purpose of redemption. Like an umbrella. It covers us and protects us and makes us aware that it does! 2) Believes all things – ready to make allowances, trust, hope and endure whatever comes. 3) Hopes – life is not hopeless. Our first instinct in love is to believe in people, believe the best despite the worst (Prodigal Son). 4) Endures – no end! In all things and in all seasons, love never ends. We cannot do anything to separate us from the love of God! That is the greatest love.

Bram from First Baptist

On this day in 1819 the University of Virginia was chartered with Thomas Jefferson as a founder. In 1858 Felix Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” first played, at wedding of Queen Victoria‘s daughter Princess Victoria. In 1957 Congress established the Electoral Commission to determine the disputed presidential election between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden – so see, this is NOTHING NEW! In 1881 Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison formed the Oriental Telephone Company, and in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games opened in Chamonix France. In 1961 Walt Disney’s 101 Dalmatians was released (that was always my sister’s favorite Disney movie – Cruella de Vil!!! Yikes!!). Al Capone died at age 48 in 1947, Ava Gardner in 1990 at age 67, and Mary Tyler Moore in 2017 at age 80. Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn married in 1533 (his second wife). Virginia Woolf was born in 1882 (Who’s afraid of HER, anyway???); and today my daughter’s mother in law – Ruth Ann Hancher (‘MA’ to all of us!) is celebrating a birthday. Thank you, Ruth Ann, for loving my precious family and being there for them – and being an example of Christ for them! God bless and Happy birthday!

Image may contain: 14 people, including Matt Hancher, Kim Wright and Ruth Ann Hancher, people standing
Ruth Ann is directly in front of the tree in the back row – her whole family!
The cruel Cruella!

TOMORROW January 26 is:

Karen is hoping the Skunk Hollow girls can plan a getaway ‘Bonfire on the Beach’ weekend, and Kath and I hope to get to Newport this summer. Hope you can bring yourself to ‘dream’ of your long delayed vacation! God bless!

The Breakers – Newport RI
Bonfire on the Beach
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