I was just finishing up in the shower this morning when Rege called me. There was a stack of business renewal forms that needed notarized and if I was out and about today could I stop and do that? They don’t ask very much from me, especially with all the benefits I receive from them, so I cleaned the upstairs and then headed down to Jeannette.
Ken, Barry, and Rege were all there, so I was able to handle all the documents. Afterwards we sat around and talked about the ‘old’ days of the car business. I’d been in the business longer than any of them, and we compared notes and memories. On top of all the conversations from last night, it’s been a 24-hour walk down memory lane. Lots of laughs, lots of recalling good times (and bad!) and living through the stress and distress. I left there laughing so that was a good thing!
I came home, had some yogurt and a cookie for lunch, and finished up cleaning and a load of laundry. Tonight HCC planned a kick-off for the winter Life Groups (Bible studies) which included a soup cook-off. It was such a foggy, rainy night that the turnout was less than anticipated, but the soups and desserts were very good. My favorite (and 2nd place winner) was cream of cauliflower. I even asked Dianne (Gresham) to send me the recipe. I did manage to get a picture of the foggy roads on the way home.
Today’s trivia: Celebrate National Compliment Day by giving someone a genuine compliment. Not only will it boost their mood but it will make you feel happier, too!
Birthdays, etc, for January 24th: 1862 – Edith Wharton, novelist; 1917 Ernest Borgnine, actor; 1939 – Ray Stevens, singer (He’s a funny guy and a great entertainer!); 1941 Neil Diamond, singer.
PEANUTS Thought for the day:
TOMORROW January 25th is:
National Irish Coffee Day; National Opposite Day.
SO if I say, have a great day tomorrow, does that mean I DON’T want you to? Hmmm. This could get confusing. God bless (REALLY!!!)
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