January 12, 2015

Will Winter1

Over the past few weeks I have been longing to make a trip to Colonial Williamsburg.  The entire city fascinates me, full of history and life, present and past.

I have never been there when it snowed, although I was there twice in the ‘winter’.  One year a group of us went in late November, and it poured down rain the whole time, until I didn’t have a dry pair of shoes left by the end of the weekend.  It was extra fun to duck into one of the taverns and get a table near the fireplace.  Those were the days to grab a hot apple cider and warm up from the inside out.

The other winter trip was for the Grand Illumination the first weekend in December.  We packed layers of clothes, heavy sweatshirts, and thick socks and boots.  HOWEVER – it ended up being 70* and we had to go to the gift shop and buy t-shirts.  We sat on blankets on the lawn in front of the Governor’s Palace and watched the fireworks.

Me & Thomas JeffersonI love going to Williamsburg any month – when we bundle up or when the display on the bank in Market Square says 100*!  It’s about time to plan another trip down there – Something to dream about! 

(Me and Thomas Jefferson – I was running on Duke of Gloucester Street!)

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