After meeting at 6:45am at Walmart Plaza, boarding a bus and driving across town, we climbed the stairs to track #2 for our trip to Altoona. The view waiting on the platform gave a great view of Greensburg. It was exciting to hear the whistle and then see the engine snaking around the corner and slow to a stop. There were about 50 of us on the tour, and although the day started out a little overcast, the sun popped out from time to time.
This painting greeted us when we stepped from the train in Altoona, after a gently swaying ride along the tracks for a little less than two hours. The countryside looks very different from that side of the tracks, and I really enjoyed peeking out the window. We climbed onto the bus at the station and were off to our first stop of the tour: Boyer’s Candy Outlet.
We all crowded into the small space and shuffled around, choosing treats and sweets at amazingly low prices. I got a bag of triple twist chocolate/peanut butter covered pretzels – oh, yum!
Everyone was munching on something tasty as we rode the 2 blocks or so to the Train Museum. That was my favorite place! Three floors of displays and exhibits, some set as they would have looked in the mid-1800’s.
INCLUDING a kitchen, a street sidewalk, and electric poles with insulators. Fun! We walked into the ‘bar’ to watch a wall-sized video of a conversation reenactment, and took a seat at the bar to listen. I sort of broke the rules, though…. 🙂
The bus took us back around Horseshoe Curve, where we ate lunch, watched a freight train go past, looked out over the lakes, and saw the cars go up and down the incline.
The next stop was the pretzel outlet, which had the coolest door handles.
Another stop
at the winery
and we headed back to Altoona for a very nice dinner downtown. We had just enough time after we ate to take a photo of the huge wall mural on the outside of the building,
and some really unique road signs.
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