HIS PLACE Banquet 2018
As I’ve mentioned before, my sister Kathy and her husband Paul, my friend Joni, and myself – for the past 3 years have volunteered at His Place mission on the north side of Pittsburgh.
Once a month during the school year we prepare lessons, crafts, snacks and songs and – with Paul as our trusty chauffeur – make the trip down to teach Care Club. They are a group of young girls up through fourth grade, some as young as kindergarten. We have personally grown and learned and became close to each other and some of the girls, and the experience (though often challenging) has been amazing.
Tonight was the annual His Place Banquet, giving an account of the past year, financial status, and future plans. Although I try to keep my focus away from food, the first thing I noticed when we walked in was the chocolate fountain.
Oh, dear, keep me from TEMPTATION! There were 5 types of cookies, strawberries, pretzels, marshmallows — yum. What a way to start the evening! We had pizza and a marvelous salad (I could have survived on the chocolate fountain!), then pie for dessert.
Their love of God, for His children, and the devotion to the ministry of service to these kids was so entirely evident in all of those who volunteer. His Place offers after school programs, personal and group tutoring, outings, classes, encouragement, meals, and of course love and God’s word. Debe and Rick Weiss have served as directors and workers for the Lord in this ministry for over 40 years, and their commitment and dedication are entirely evident. As teachers in the Care Club, we are privileged to be a part of this group. After dinner, reports, and the business meeting, there were a list of THANK YOU’s for all those who gave extraordinary amounts of time and talent to further God’s kingdom in this place. Among the many who were honored, Steven
(co-director and Debe/Rick’s son) recognized his wife Melanie
for her selfless giving to these little lives, some of whom come from very difficult home situations. He also recognized his mom, sighting her 40 years of devotion and love – every day, all the time!
The big surprise – for us anyway – was that we were given recognition and a plaque – the Fantastic Four, they call us! – for outstanding group of the year.

We were humbled and honored to be recognized, and to hear their comments about our team. Debe’s son Steven said that because of us, His Place programs have changed forever. Kath was teary-eyed and we were all amazed that we could make such a difference – just for giving a little time and even less talent to teaching God’s Love to His children. We will never forget these years of service, the girls whose lives we have touched, and the people we have met and grown to love and appreciate. At the end of every evening that we teach, we turn down the lights, put a little battery campfire candle in the middle of our circle, and sing camp songs. And we know, as true as anything we have ever known, the profound truth of our closing song.
God is So Good. And He is.
It was a wonderful evening. You all have blessed us so much. <3
It is the four of us who have been blessed – we always wish you success and God’s great peace!