Full moon
I started out my walk tonight at about 8:45pm, after I got home from a way-too-long day at work. But heading up my driveway took me past the new tier lights that I got for my birthday from my family, and it makes the front sidewalk look like a landing strip for a Boeing 747! I LOVE them! Just perfect.
The lights on the Rose of Sharon by the back fence are solar powered, and they mostly last all night if the day has been bright. I love all the colors, and I can see the lights from my bedroom window. That’s an extra special treat, as I often am up several times during the night.
As the evening got darker – as it got later – I could see all the stars twinkling overhead. I stood in the middle of the street (not good, but what can I say?) and searched for the big and little dipper: The only constellations I would recognize!
The moon was full and bright, and followed me all the way on my two mile loop around the neighborhood. For a few moments, though, I thought it might be Halloween. As I walked up Mohawk, I had just passed under a street light when I saw a huge black cat run across the road in front of me and disappear into the darkness. Good thing I’m NOT superstitious!
It was a beautiful evening for a walk, and even though I was running late, and it’s 10:30 and I still have to finish my cleaning, I’m glad I can take my evening walks and clear my head and heart of all things crazy from the day, wrap myself in my cute little (safe, snug, secure!) house, and take a deep, cleansing breath. Ahhhhhh. Home. (Just kidding. That’s the Governor’s Palace in Colonial Williamsburg. HERE is my house!!!)
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