Friday January 30th, 2015
Life is what happens while you’re making other plans! I worked late tonight, then had all intention of catching up on all the things I didn’t accomplish during the week: laundry, paying bills, groceries, cooking real food (!!!), online orders, errands. Well, I no more than made it through the door when I had a call to order!
My younger granddaughter was home with a fever, and her dad had to take the neighbor to work. Could I sit with Chriss? Of course! So I changed my shirt, pulled on snow boots, grabbed my grocery list, and headed over.
Chrissy’s head did feel warm, and she did have a headache. She tucked herself on the couch under several blankets, watching TV. It wasn’t long until the Tylenol kicked in, and she was pushing off the heavy blankets. That was when the cat, Tigress, decided it was time to cuddle. The cat jumped up on Chrissy’s tummy and just got comfy.
They buddied up the rest of the time I was there. They seem to have an appreciation for each other.
I’m glad to see they have a friend in each other. I’m sure Tigress was a great comfort to Chriss, and Chrissy knew exactly which ear to scratch! Rest well, my little buddies – you’ll feel good as new in the morning!
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